Undergraduate - ALU Rwanda
Studying at ALU
What is it like to study at ALU?
What are the minimum eligibility requirements to study at ALU?
Are there any age requirements?
What are the degree programs offered at ALU?
Are there any program eligibility requirements?
Who is the accrediting body for ALU degree programs?
What is ALU’s Learning Model?
What are the requirements to transfer from one campus of ALU to the other?
What are the requirements to transfer to ALU if I am transferring from another University?
Will I get any academic support while at ALU?
Can I take a gap year while a studying at ALU?
Does ALU offer any post graduate courses?
What is it like to study at ALU?
Where do I start my application?
What does the overall application journey look like?
What are the application deadlines?
Is there an application guide available?
What are the main documents that I need to complete the online application?
What documents do I need to submit my application?
Submitting Missing Documents
Do I need to upload my National Exam Transcript?
Identification Documents Specifics
Do I need to upload any University transcripts?
When do I receive an admissions decision?
Who is eligible for financial aid?
How do I apply for financial aid?
Can I submit black and white national transcripts?
Tips for filling out the Financial Aid Application.
What happens to my financial aid application once I submit it?
If I receive a scholarship offer from ALU do I need to pay the tuition?
Is there an application fee?
What can I do if I experience an issue during my application?
I applied for a scholarship but was unsuccessful. Do I still need to pay tuition?
Do I need to complete the application process in one go?
Is the application available only online?
Tips on applying
What is the best way to communicate inquiries, requests or to report issues?
Where do I start my application?
International Students - Immigration
Post Admissions next steps
Preliminary Offer FAQs
English Proficiency Test Guide
Applying for an Equivalence certificate
Do you need help with your equivalence application?
Equivalence Application Guide
English Proficiency Requirements - ALU Rwanda
How do I accept my admissions offer?
Where do I find my admissions letter?
How to Submit your English Proficiency Test Results
Guidelines for a successful and efficient application process.
What are the different admission decisions and what do they mean?
I have sat for Duolingo English Test, how do I share my results with ALU?
What happens once I am admitted?
What is the Admissions Portal?
How will I know that I have successfully paid for my equivalence application?
I've submitted documents for my Conditional Admission, how long does the review take?
I don’t have SAT and TOEFL certificates.
I do not have my final A-level exam diploma/certificate to submit, what should I do?
Learn more about notarization?
Preliminary Offer FAQs
What are the costs of attending ALU?
Can I pay the tuition in multiple instalments?
Can the deadline for making the tuition payment be extended?
Vendor Invoice Submission
I have a query on student invoice, payment and others. Where should I go?
Frequently Asked Questions about Student Finance
Financial Aid
What are the costs of attending ALU?
Student Housing/Residences & Health
Learn More Abou ALU-Facilitated Insurance at ALU Rwanda
What is life at ALC like?
What is life at ALU like?
What are some of the clubs at ALU?
Are students required to have medical insurance?
Where are the student residences located?
Does ALU Rwanda offer a meal plan?
Are there medical facilities on campus?
Will we be in charge of our own housekeeping?
What are the health provisions for people living with chronic illness or disabilities?
Learn More Abou ALU-Facilitated Insurance at ALU Rwanda
Yearly & Study Internships
Are study internships paid?
What are some roles students work in?
Does ALU assist in providing housing and travel allowance if the company does not?
What kind of companies am I allowed to intern for?
Is there a required number of months that I am supposed to intern for?
What if I don’t get an internship?
Do yearly internships count as part of my grades?
What is a study internship?
What are my job prospects if I go to ALU versus a traditional university?
What can I expect to learn during my internship?
Can I use a study internship to fund my education?
Will I be paid during my internship?
Can I choose the organisation and location of my internship?
Do I have a guaranteed job after graduation?
Do ALU students only work with companies in the private sector, or can I work in the non-profit/government sectors?
Are there opportunities to work outside of Africa?
Are study internships paid?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I defer my admission to an upcoming intake?
FAQ About the Hub Strategy
FAQ about the Mauritius Campus
I have an unstable internet connection and could not complete my application. What should I do?
What internet browser can I use?
I am trying to access the application platform but it is not loading, what do I do?
I made a mistake in my application, how do I correct it?
I have a disability, but it is not listed in the application?
I cannot access the next section of the application form
I do not have my national transcript yet, can I still apply?
What does a Humanitarian status mean?
I was admitted to the last intake, but did not join. Do I need to apply again?
I did not receive any confirmation email that I submitted my application
I am a refugee, where do I submit my refugee identification document
I don’t have an ID or a passport, what do I do?
I completed the ALU Fit Challenge, but did not receive any email for the next steps.
Can I defer my admission to an upcoming intake?